Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Little Birdie" Summary (Due Tuesday)

Read the "Little Birdie"  article and write a concise, paragraph summary. Make sure to highlight the most important concepts. Post your summary to your blog by Tuesday before class (4/17).

Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekly Progress (Due every Thursday)

Each week, you will need to turn in a typed summary of the progress that you have made on your website and project. When writing your summary, consider the following:
  • Changes you have made to your website
    • Content
    • Layout /  Appearance 
  • The progress you expect to make within the next week (Goals)
  • Specific challenges you are facing with your website 
  • Questions you may have
  • Identify specific parts of your contract that are completed
  • Progress you have made on your group project
  • Progress you have made on your video project

    Thursday, March 15, 2012

    Flickr Assignment (Due Thursday after Spring Break)

    • Create a Flickr account and post the link to your blog.
    • Upload 10 photos onto your Flickr account.
      • Use at least 5 photos from the department you are documenting.
      • Using the Design Principles previously covered in class, take the remaining number of photos on your own. For example, if you use 7 departmental photos, take 3 photos on your own. You may choose to take a picture on the same subject multiple times at the same angle, but you must use a different ISO settings for each.

    * These photos will be embedded in your website as a slide show later this semester.

    Thursday, March 1, 2012

    Blog Post (Due Tuesday, March 6)

     College Marketing Materials

    1)      Read through the resources included to grasp an understanding of good brochure design.
    2)      Make a list of at least three to five essential items (design and content), a brochure for Bumpers College should contain. This brochure is used to provide information to prospective students.
    3)      Make a list of at least three to five essential items (design and content) a brochure for your project department. This brochure is used to provide information to prospective students.
    4)      You are encouraged to invite input from you peers (not in this class) to enhance your perspective and responses.
    This post is due before the start of class on Tuesday, March 6.

    Thursday, February 23, 2012

    Camtasia Presentation Assignment (Due Tuesday)

    AGED 4143
    Electronic Communications in Agriculture

    Camtasia Presentation Assignment
    Look through your assigned department’s web site. Identify a topic that is currently on the site but not represented well (too much text) or not enough detail. This should be a topic that deserves attention and could be better presented through a visual/audio presentation.  Your final product will be a video which could be integrated into the department’s web site. Begin by selecting a topic. You may work with your partner(s) and graduate student to identify topics. Be sure that you and your group member are not covering the same topic. Once your topic is identified, create an outline for your presentation. The outline should include thumbnails for the entire presentation, and a script for speaking components.  Once you have your outline and script, build your basic presentation using PowerPoint. When possible use actual photos. If you do not have photos that directly fit your outline, locate a place holder photo and incorporate it until you can acquire a photo. 

    By the beginning of next class, have your outline, script and basic presentation complete. Bring all of these items to class, so we can begin working in Camtasia. You may utilize Flickr, USDA, or the stock photos on the T: drive for your presentation until you obtain actual photos. Use the PowerPoint resources on the T drive as well to assist you.     

    *Graduate students - Graduate students should also complete the assignment, but may choose to cover a topic specific to their student organization web site since they are responsible for more than one group.


    Wednesday, February 22, 2012

    Tuesday's Assignment (Due Friday)

    o   Please select two of the following photo composition terms (rule of thirds, framing, leading lines, contrast, simplicity, symmetry, colors). These are not all of the composition concepts, but this is a good start.
    o   For your two terms explain what the composition term means, and locate a photo which is representative of the each term.  Post your images to your blog and include an explanation of how each photo relates to your term. (Ex. The river serves as a leading line guiding our eye toward the snowcapped mountain.)

    You post must be made by noon on Friday, February 24.