Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Homework for 1/31/12

Research potential domain names for your site
  • Find 2 potential names for your RSO
  • ID cost and location of where you would purchase the domain
Create a hierarchical structure for your website. (diagram / flow chart)

Draw a thumbnail for your website. (student .org site)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blog Post for Tuesday (due 1/26)

Choose one word and define it! Make sure to include a description and a link to a reliable source. PLEASE use your own words. Other students in the course will be defining the same word, so dig deep to find new information to share.

Web Hosting
Web Domain Name

Monday, January 23, 2012

Attention to Details

So today I wanted to post two examples. One is an example of how details can enhance the usability of a website. The other is an example of how too many details can distract or perhaps repulse viewers. Both links are great to keep in mind when designing your websites!

Map for Usability

Evangel Cathedral

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Homework 1/19/12

Select one of the website language / code terms and provide the following:

Java Server Pages (JSP)
  1. One paragraph explanation of what the code is / does.
  2. Link to an introductory tutorial on using / writing the code.
  3. Link to one example of a site, form or application built using the code.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome back!

Hey everyone!

I hope you all had a restful break! I'm excited to begin meeting and working with all of you this semester. If anyone ever has a question, you can contact me at aanthony@uark.edu or visit me during my office hours on Wednesdays from 10AM to 12PM at AGRI 228.

I've typed up the notes from today's class just in case you didn't write them down. You are to identify 10 key terms and look up their definitions. You will also be locating or identifying one resource for each term to use as an example. Make sure to post your terms before Thursday!

Electronic Media
  • correct info
  • user friendly
  • using current events
  • social networking (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube)
  • blogging
  • Skype
  • adding visual interest to technical content
  • educational tool / beyond marketing & advertising
  • marketing instantly
  • photography
  • video
  • logistics / info sharing at your fingertips
  • webinars / expense effectiveness
  • marketing / viral
  • WordPress
  • YouTube / podcast -ability to leave comments
  • training tools
  • social movement / change
  • softwares (Premiere Pro, Camtasia)
  • consistency with branding & color scheme / professional
  • Google analytics
  • allows people to choose / more info on RSS
  • CSS / HTML / PHP / DSP