Thursday, March 15, 2012

Flickr Assignment (Due Thursday after Spring Break)

  • Create a Flickr account and post the link to your blog.
  • Upload 10 photos onto your Flickr account.
    • Use at least 5 photos from the department you are documenting.
    • Using the Design Principles previously covered in class, take the remaining number of photos on your own. For example, if you use 7 departmental photos, take 3 photos on your own. You may choose to take a picture on the same subject multiple times at the same angle, but you must use a different ISO settings for each.

* These photos will be embedded in your website as a slide show later this semester.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blog Post (Due Tuesday, March 6)

 College Marketing Materials

1)      Read through the resources included to grasp an understanding of good brochure design.
2)      Make a list of at least three to five essential items (design and content), a brochure for Bumpers College should contain. This brochure is used to provide information to prospective students.
3)      Make a list of at least three to five essential items (design and content) a brochure for your project department. This brochure is used to provide information to prospective students.
4)      You are encouraged to invite input from you peers (not in this class) to enhance your perspective and responses.
This post is due before the start of class on Tuesday, March 6.