Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blog and Class Assignment (2/7/12)

Please visit the new release for the Bumpers College website and review the content. Dean Vayda has requested specific feedback from you all regarding “the student perspective” of the college site. The site can be found at http://uark.edu/ua/pkulkar/BumpersCollege/

1)      Please prepare a type written version of your evaluation be turned in at the beginning of class on Thursday. Use the evaluation tool provided earlier in the semester to assist you in identifying specific questions to address.  
a.       Undergraduate students should focus on academics, future student and current student pages. Graduate students should focus on graduate student and alumni pages. Both groups should evaluate the homepage.
b.      Your typed summary should include the following headings for evaluation: 1) design, 2) content, and 3) usability. You do not have to address accessibility in this assignment.
c.       Your summary should address the overall site and individual pages.

2)      Post a brief summarization of your “student perspective” on your blog.
a.       Your post should address the site as a whole and include a summary of 1) design, 2) content and 3) usability.

You blog post should be made before class begins on Thursday (2/9/12).

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