Monday, February 6, 2012

Twitter and Style Guide

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I have two more helpful links to share with you.

The first is a post from Mashable, and it lists four ways to tweet as a business. Random updates about what you're eating may not be the best way to capture the public's attention. ^_~ Many people forget that a company's identity must be incorporated into social networking sites.

 > 4 Ways to Tweet as a Visual Brand

The second is a new article from Newswire regarding the U of A's website style guide. Not only does the article discuss the importance of a style guide, but it also provides a link to the new one being used by the U of A. Make sure to bookmark this page for quick reference! It will come in handy when you are designing your website.

> Web Style Guide Promotes Consistency and Usability Online

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